How to Encrypt and Decrypt Data using RSA in Java
A practical guide on how to encrypt and decrypt data using the RSA algorithm in Java. We will also see how we can generate an RSA key pair and convert it to and from Base64
A practical guide on how to encrypt and decrypt data using the RSA algorithm in Java. We will also see how we can generate an RSA key pair and convert it to and from Base64
This article shows how to create a Spring Boot app that requires API key for an endpoint using Spring Security. We also demonstrate how to combine this with other authentication mechanisms in the same codebase.
Delegating without empowering is a recipe for disappointment. Show your team members how to do the task at hand and your job becomes easier
In life, very few things trump “I’ve done it before”, this is how to get a 5 years worth of experience in 3 and maximise your employment
This is a tell-tale of my 1 year tenure at Cellulant. I solve challenges like too many meetings, knowledge democratisation, revamping of the SDLC, pull request reviews, onboarding process and more.
This article explains the MVC design pattern in a simple and easy to understand manner. We explored the Model, View and Controller component separately with a diagram to show the flow of a typical HTTP request in a MVC web application
In this article, we will examine how to generate HMAC signature for a given data or message in Java with an example using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm
In this article, we are going to consider the differences between @Transactional and TransactionTemplate in managing database transactions in a SpringBoot application. We will also observe their different behaviours with exceptions
We will learn how to use Flyway to create database schema and even seed the database with data when our application is starting up for the first time